*** From the Archives ***

This article is from March 31, 2008, and is no longer current.

A Monstrous Photoshop Technique

This Photoshop CS3 tutorial is an installment of The Russell Brown Show.
It’s not hard to alter an image dramatically when a Photoshop master shows you how. In this video, Russell explains how to combine images as Smart Objects, and — using Camera Raw as a creative tool — take a photo into a frightening new realm.
Click on “A Monstrous Photoshop Technique” to begin streaming the 7MB QuickTime video.
If you don’t have QuickTime installed, you can get it here.
Go from blah to boo!


RUSSELL BROWN is the Senior Creative Director at Adobe Systems, and an Emmy Award-winning instructor. He shares his delight in testing the creative limits of his tools, and his in-depth design knowledge and zany presentation style has won him a regular following among beginning, intermediate, and advanced users alike.
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