*** From the Archives ***

This article is from October 27, 2010, and is no longer current.

Adobe's Project ROME: Should You Care?

Last week, Adobe introduced a new content creation and publishing tool, but you didn’t hear one word about it on CreativePro.com. Crazy, right?
The reason for our silence is that Project ROME, as the new tool is named while it’s in beta, isn’t aimed at creative professionals. As Adobe’s John Loiacono says in a blog post, Project ROME is an “all-in-one content creation and publishing application for use at home, work, or school.” With it, you can design things destined for print or onscreen that include text, images, video, or audio. You can run Project ROME as a desktop app or access it via a Web browser.
Here are a few screenshots of the browser interface:

Right now, Project ROME is a free public beta that you can download from https://rome.adobe.com. Why should you bother, since it’s not meant for professional designers? Because you might glimpse the future of all Adobe software. Loiacono says that Adobe set out to “make Project ROME so intuitive and fluid that the technology doesn’t get in your way of expressing ideas… The interface is clean and simple, yet powerful.” Those are goals to strive for no matter what program you’re talking about.
