*** From the Archives ***

This article is from July 2, 2009, and is no longer current.

Annotate Photos without an Image Editor

Annotate! by Nikonians is a free software tool that lets you easily make notes directly onto images without any image editing needed. You can add textual annotations and “virtual crops” bound to coordinates in JPG images. The annotations can be grouped into layers and are stored in a non-destructible way into the EXIF part of the JPG file, not changing the image itself.
You can further export the annotations, storing them together with the image in a newly created JPG file. This JPG file can easily be rescaled to a certain image size.
Annotate! by Nikonians® can be used for teaching purposes; for example, where one or more photographers give critique on a photograph, including their proposed enhancements as comments directly into the image.
Annotate! by Nikonians was written by Marek Tomša, enprovia, 2009.
Download and install Annotate!

  • Jerry C. Lester says:

    I like being able to store the annotations in the EXIF.

  • >
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