*** From the Archives ***

This article is from February 28, 2007, and is no longer current.

Astute Graphics Announces the Release of Phantasm CS Version 1.5

Astute Graphics are pleased to announce the release of Phantasm CS version 1.5. This welcome upgrade to the acclaimed Illustrator color control plugin brings designers the following benefits:

  • Load and save Photoshop-compatible color adjustment settings files
  • Advanced Hue/Saturation control

Recognising that Illustrator users are not isolated from a greater design process, full color control compatibility with Photoshop has been a priority. This release ensures that common color adjustment features found in the premier photo editing package are now matched in the leading vector design software. To allow this, Phantasm CS can now load and save Photoshop-compatible color setting files for Curves, Hue/Saturation and Levels.

In a related development, the Hue/Saturation Filter and live Effect controls now cater for selective hue range adjustments. Precise control over which color ranges are adjusted ensure that full creative freedom is realised.
Phantasm CS version 1.0 recieved excellent reviews with comments like “Phantasm CS is a great little plug-in” (Computer Arts, 5 star rating), “…brings functionality that really should have been there all along” (Digital Media Designer). Customers have also praised the color control tool with feedback including “works terrifically!”, “This is something I’m using every five minutes” and simply “WOW!”
Priced at only $37.50, it is accessible to hobbyist users and yet offers the level of control demanded by professionals.
Phantasm CS is available for Windows® and Mac OS X® running both Illustrator CS and CS2.
For further information, please visit www.phantasmcs.com
