*** From the Archives ***

This article is from September 23, 2011, and is no longer current.

BigPicture Lite for InDesign CS5/5.5 Is Free Download

When you need to wrangle a lot of images in InDesign files, Badia Software‘s BigPicture is your friend. Now you can snag a limited version of the plug-in, BigPicture Lite, for free from the Mac App Store. It supports CS5 and CS5.5.
Here’s what you can expect once you download and install BigPicture Lite:
* Ability to see at a glance the effective resolution and actual resolution, format, size, page, and other attributes for all images.
* Quick Look preview of any image.
* The full location path of all images.
* Ability to reveal any image in the document or enclosing folder.
* Ability to change the print status of selected images.
* Menu that lets you open an image with any application.

  • Anonymous says:

    …but “To download BigPicture Lite from the Mac App Store, you need a Mac with Mac OS X 10.6.6” – so where do the rest of us poorer people get it from?

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