*** From the Archives ***

This article is from February 19, 2009, and is no longer current.

Everyday Timesavers Debuts on Adobe TV

CreativePro.com friend Rufus Deuchler has released the first installment in a series of short video snippets on ways to save time when designing in the Adobe Creative Suite 4.
There will be six installments in the series, called “Everyday Timesavers: Design.” A new video will appear each week on Adobe TV, Rufus’ YouTube channel, and right here on this page!

Other Adobe folks are covering other topic areas:
* Everyday Timesavers: Photography, by Julieanne Kost
* Everyday Timesavers: Web, by Greg Rewis and Paul Burnett
* Everyday Timesavers: Video, by Jason Levine and Karl Soulé

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