*** From the Archives ***

This article is from July 27, 2010, and is no longer current.

Free Illustrator Assets for UI Design

The User Interface Design Framework is created by Webalys and is free for any use, even commercial. The only requirement is that you link to this page if you use the elements in a published website.
Download the User Interface Design Framework here.
A free User Interface Design tool for Web Designers
* Design faster wireframes and create better mockup deliverables in Illustrator.
* Design usable application interface with hundreds of common GUI elements: just drop them from Illustrator Panels or pick them in the library files.
* Customize easily the vectors GUI elements to your own needs: you can easily resize, color or tweak their appearance.
* Benefit from a consistent UI elements library made by a web designer expert in application interface design.
A flexible GUI elements library for Illustrator
* The GUI elements are based on common interface patterns (accordion, expandable panel, progress bar, tags, slide show…).
* They integrate usability good practices and are perfect for wireframes design.
* They are also a good start for interface application design: the appearance is consistent, they are easily customizable and all states of interaction are provided.

The most complete vector icons library – 260 icons for free!
* A pixel precise icon collection created for interface designers and web designers.
* These icons are easy to adapt to your own needs. They can be used for website wireframes, online application design, software interface mockup…
* They are based on a precise 16 pixels grid, which means that they stay clear and have crispy look even at small sizes.

A Graphic Styles library to design attractive web interfaces
* 200 graphic styles for buttons, navigations menus or panels.
* 330 swatches harmonized with graphic styles for backgrounds, typography and other GUI interface elements.
