*** From the Archives ***

This article is from June 24, 2011, and is no longer current.

Free Printing Guidance for Adobe Apps

Whether you work at a press shop or are a production artist or print-oriented designer, you’ll find something of value in the freshly released Adobe Creative Suite 5/5.5 Printing Guide.
For example, InDesign users can learn how to prep files for output, employ Live Preflight to spot potential troublemakers, work with book files, and a lot more.
The Acrobat X Pro printing advice covers the Overprint Preview, Output Preview, preflighting, trapping, the Ink Manager, and many pages more of meaty material.
There are also tips on printing from Illustrator and Photoshop, plus information on technologies that are shared across the suite, such as transparency and the PDF Print Engine 3. As the guide’s introduction points out,
the Suite applications are “deeply integrated… For example, it’s not enough to know how to place an image in InDesign: you also need to know how certain aspects of a Photoshop image (such as opacity, blending modes, or vector content) will print from InDesign.”
It’s a valuable technical resource, and it’s free. Might as well download it now!
