*** From the Archives ***

This article is from September 14, 2010, and is no longer current.

Instant Font Identification Gratification

Font_ID is a new Twitter account created by Stephen Coles of the website Typographica.org and, until recently, a key member of the FontShop team.
The concept behind @Font_ID is simple: Send Stephen an image of a typeface, and he will reply with the font name and a relevant URL. He’ll even suggest alternatives faces.
I plan on reading the Font_ID Twitter feed often. Even when (or maybe especially when) Stephen’s stumped, it’s fun to see the typeface that foiled him. For example, Nick Sherman submitted this 1841 newspaper headline:

Stephen replied that while the face was unknown to him, he’s called in a specialist, @Woodtyper, and he can suggest an alternate: Sutro. How’s that for a satisfying 30-second swing through type history?
You can reach Stephen by sending a tweet to @Font_ID (note the underscore) or by including the hashtag “#FontID” in your tweet.

  • Anonymous says:

    How does the accuracy compare to https://new.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/?

  • Terri Stone says:

    Try it and see!

    Terri Stone
    Editor in Chief, CreativePro.com

  • Anonymous says:

    How do I “send Stephen an image of a typeface” on Twitter? I can’t seem to figure it out in the Twitter help…

  • Terri Stone says:

    TwitPic is one way to send images via Twitter: https://twitpic.com/

    Terri Stone
    Editor in Chief, CreativePro.com

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