*** From the Archives ***

This article is from March 12, 2010, and is no longer current.

Model Release Forms Go Mobile with New iPhone App

Press Release
Easy Release by ApplicationGap replaces inconvenient paper release forms with a slick, streamlined application designed by professional photographers for professional photographers. Easy Release lets you collect all the data and signatures you need right on your iPhone, then mails a PDF and JPEG of the release right to you.
Easy Release uses industry-standard and proven legal language that is accepted by the world’s leading stock photo companies, like Getty Images and iStockphoto. Plus, Easy Release supports 12 different languages, so you can get the release you need, no matter who, or where you are shooting.
This $9.99 app is compatible with the iPhone and iPod touch. It requires iPhone OS 3.1.3 or later.

  • HawaiiBill says:

    My only suggestion would be that information on how the signature was input would be helpful. Thank you.3rfA7W

  • Anonymous says:

    Unfortunately the app does not seem to allow customization of the releases, which makes it much less useful.

  • Anonymous says:

    Photographers Contract Maker allows for complete customization and is at least 10 times easier to use than Easy Release: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/photographers-contract-maker/id356115074?mt=8

  • Anonymous says:

    I bought ER and like it but only one of my agencies will accept an electroni release/signature.
    Any movement on that front?


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