*** From the Archives ***

This article is from April 10, 2009, and is no longer current.

New lynda.com Videos on Brochure Design, Advanced Illustrator

lynda.com has released two new training videos.
Designing a Brochure Hands-On Workshop
with Nigel French
Brochures are essential marketing tools, which establish brands and keep them competitive in the marketplace. Designer and educator Nigel French taps into his 15 years of professional experience to create a course that demonstrates how Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop CS4 can integrate to create dynamic brochures. Nigel teaches techniques for creating different kinds of brochures—some obvious, others unexpected. Designing a Brochure Hands-On Workshop covers more than the mechanics of the workflow. It also explores the creative process, giving designers options for producing brochures that are both stylish and cost-effective. Exercise files accompany the course.
Adobe InDesign CS4 and Illustrator CS4 Essential Training are recommended prerequisites to fully execute the techniques in this title.
Topics Include:
* Integrating InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator
* Establishing a workflow that combines maximum efficiency with maximum editing flexibility
* Working with a printer at the outset
* Designing with grids to create balance
* Choosing fonts and color palettes for a consistent look and feel
* Manipulating images for maximum impact
* Exploring different brochure formats and folding
* Proofing and printing the final product
The complete course runs 3.5 hours.
Illustrator CS4 Beyond the Basics
with Mordy Golding
Covering a wide range of topics, from advanced masking to chart creation, Illustrator CS4 Beyond the Basics reveals a whole new level of power, creativity, and efficiency with Illustrator. Instructor Mordy Golding explores how to work with Live Paint groups, get the most out of the Live Trace feature, and take advantage of Illustrator’s wide range of effects. He also discusses advanced transformation techniques, powerful 3D functionality, and important color concepts. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics Include:
* Tracing artwork both automatically and manually
* Mapping artwork to complex 3D surfaces
* Using pressure-sensitive distortion tools
* Recoloring artwork across a document
* Using Excel data to create charts and graphs
* Understanding how transparency really works
* Creating high-quality, press-ready PDFs
* Building efficient files with graphic styles
The course is a total of 9.75 hours long.
