*** From the Archives ***

This article is from February 9, 2009, and is no longer current.

Photoshop Tutorial: The Instant Liquid Diet

Video courtesy of O’Reilly Media
This is not your usual Photoshop how-to. It’s an episode from Deke McClelland’s uncensored, unregulated, and frankly unwise video podcast, dekePod.
In this installment, Dr. Deke dons his face mask and scrubs for a bit of pixel surgery. He’ll teach you how to transform fat into fit using Photoshop’s Liquify command — and with smooth, stretch mark-free results.
If you’ve used the Liquify tool, you know it’s easy to play with but not’s so easy to get realistic results. After watching this video, you too will be able to convincingly shave away the pounds. Clients and family members will thank you.


  • rbrock says:

    I got two lessons in one: 1. Liquify 2. How to be entertaining and exciting in a learning environment. Thanks!

  • kcrost says:

    I’m not sure who is more annoying Deke McClelland or Scott Kelby. Just give me the info dude and can all of the cute crap. If I want to watch a stand-up comic, I’ll go to a comedy club. You act as if we are all 12 and need to be entertained. We don’t. Oh, and by the way, you aren’t funny or entertaining.

  • bobfromca says:

    Great job… quick, to the point, and I learned a couple new techniques.

  • jody joy says:

    Yah… annoying production. Trying too hard to be cute and cool. Don’t bother, just give us the straight stuff. A couple of jokes are OK, but Lordy!! Spare us the overdose.

  • evans says:

    You guys are too hard on him. I thought it was entertaining and educational. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it…

  • bmcollin says:

    Loved your video Deke and your sense of humor! I’ve got a subscription to Lynda.com and have watched many of your tutorials which have made me a big fan of that website. That said however, this tutorial with was TOP NOTCH and made me laugh out loud! Thanks for all your work!

  • Anonymous says:

    I learned so much from your videos! Thanks!

  • Anonymous says:


  • Anonymous says:

    same, some good tutorials but really trying to act funny… His sense of humor makes me want to quit photoshop.

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