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Learn About Your Links at a Glance


The Links panel is a great tool to review and manage all the placed links in your InDesign documents. But it’s not obvious how to get a quick summary of the status of your links. Sure you have Column and Link Info where you can set up different metadata and filter your images, but what if you just want a quick count of how many unique images you have in your document? Or how many missing, modified, or embedded images?

Just hover your cursor over the total link count on the left side of the Links panel and you get a pop-up that tells you exactly how many unique links there are in your document. It also shows you counts of missing, modified, embedded links. It will even tell you how many sublinks you have in your document (which are links in other .INDDs placed in your current document).

Bart Van de Wiele is a LinkedIn Learning author and public speaker currently working as a Principal Solutions Consultant at Adobe. Visit his website at
  • Simon S. says:

    That’s good to know! But how can you have more unique links than total?

  • Nathalie Samson says:

    When an image (a link) is placed more than once.

    • Bret Perry says:

      Nope, when a link is placed more than once, the placements are not unique.
      So, if I place one image two times, it will say 2 Total links, 1 Unique.

      The screenshot above is still a mystery to me. AFAIK you can’t have more unique links than total links.

      • Alicia says:

        Yes, I’m puzzled about this as well. One of my current files has six links, seven unique. Google isn’t providing a definition of “unique link” that I can find.

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